Best Arm Exercise Equipment & Machines

Best Arm Exercise Equipment & Machines

If going to the gym is not your style, or you don’t have enough time but still want to develop your arms, a great move would be to go for arm workout equipment for your home. You do not need anything special – and there’s no pressing need to spend on expensive exercise machines to have an effective arm workout.

As a beginner, you should understand that an effective arm workout involves more than just your biceps. Most people think that gaining bulk in the arms is all about biceps exercises. But you need to include upper arm or triceps exercises if you want to see your arms increase, as those are the largest muscle groups.

You also have to strengthen your lower arms and grip. You need a firm grip to be able to perform bodyweight exercises and also lift heavy weights. A sign of strength is a well-developed forearm.

Which is The Best Equipment For Arms Training?

If you are ready to take your arm workout to the next level, there is a variety of equipment you can choose from that works. So what is the best equipment for arms? We recommend working out with the following arm workout equipment for excellent gains.


You will find that dumbbells are the ultimate free weight option and have a lot of benefits for your arms. No need for any expensive arm machines to get a solid pump! Dumbbells are among the best strength training equipment you can use.


The movement you make with dumbbells is natural and gives you better control over the equipment, thereby helping you focus on a specific muscle group.

Muscles Trained

It is easier to target different muscle groups with dumbbells. These include the forearm, triceps, and biceps. There are various exercises you can perform with these free weights.

Suitable for Home Gym

They are the best arm exercise equipment, ideal for home workouts as they are small, affordable, and can be used in many ways. Much easier to acquire than a complex high-price arm machine.

Price Range (Used and New)

You can find offers for dumbbells anywhere from $100 to $400.

Usage Tips

Perform palms-down or up wrist arm curls for your forearms. To target the upper arms, do kickbacks for your triceps and bicep curls for your biceps.

Barbell Weight Set

This set of weights is as versatile as dumbbells if you know how to use a barbell. It allows you to perform more compound exercises like squats, bench press, and deadlift. You can lift heavier weights with a barbell weight set.


It helps to improve your muscle strength and hand grip. Easy to use for pull/push arm routine to develop mass.

Muscles Trained

Depending on the workout routine you choose, the barbell weight set can deliver excellent results for your entire upper body and arms.

Suitable for Home

These sets of weights are ideal for your own gym at home to add variety to your regular exercise and fitness routine.

Price Range (Used and New)

You can pick up this arm exercise equipment for about $150 to $800.

Usage Tips

Make sure you are familiar with the movement before you load up with weights.

Power Tower

Many people think that you need an arm exercise machine or free weights to work each arm optimally. The power tower is one of the exercise machines that help you do arm exercises using just your body weight.


It effectively boosts the size and strength of your upper arms. While working your arms, it also engages your back muscles and shoulders.

Muscles Trained

You can perform pull-ups, dips, or chin-ups to target your triceps and biceps.

Suitable for Home Gym

The power tower is perfect for your gym at home as it comes with lots of functions for upper body conditioning.

Price Range

You can get a decent tower for just over $100, but additional accessories could increase the price to $500.

Usage Tips

You don’t need the lower part of the machine since you need to only engage your arms. So, focus on the top part for dips, pull-ups, and other related arm exercises.

Preacher Curl Arm Workout Machine

The preacher curl machine is one of the most popular arm machines, and any list would not be complete if it were not included.


Preacher curl machines force you into an eccentric movement, which will help develop your muscle strength and aid muscle growth.

Muscles Trained

The primary muscle group targeted by this machine is your biceps.

Suitable for Home Gym

It is pretty easy to add a preacher curl machine to your arsenal of home equipment for super-efficient training. It’s a bit more expensive than dumbbells and free weights, but still worth it.

Price Range (Used and New)

You can purchase a preacher curl machine for about $250 to $400.

Usage Tips

Adjust the machine to ensure the back of your arms are flat against the pad while you sit. Also, use an underhand grip to perform the exercise.

Bicep Curl Machine

Bicep Curl Machine
The bicep curl machine is one you can use to mimic the bicep curl movement to work your arms.


The advantages of this equipment for workouts include improving your grip strength, strengthening flexion in elbow joints, and building bigger biceps. It hits both long and short head biceps.

Muscles Trained

As the name suggests, this machine focuses on and trains your biceps. It also engages your forearms.

Suitable for Home Gym

Find a place for this equipment in your personal gym, and you will love the additional boost it gives your training.

Price Range (Used and New)

This arm machine goes for $150 to $400.

Usage Tips

Sit up straight on the seat, maintain a neutral spine, and ensure your wrists don’t bend when you pull on the machine for each exercise. It is also best to hop on this machine after you are done with your workout to work the biceps better. Great for beginners and the elderly.

Seated Dip Machine

Seated Dip Machine

The seated dip machine is an example of a piece of equipment that is often overlooked. This machine is excellent for people that want to execute the dip motion but are skeptical about dipping between two benches or performing dips with their body weight.


It provides support and is effective at preventing injuries when performing dips. The seated dip machine is excellent for strengthening the muscles in your triceps and shoulders. You can use more weight for added resistance as you become stronger.

Muscles Trained

The main muscles targeted with this machine are the triceps and deltoids, with a little bit of biceps.

Suitable for Home Gym

Adding a seated dip machine to your home workout means you can bulk up your arms in the comfort of your home.

Price Range (Used and New)

The price of this equipment ranges from $100 to $300.

Usage Tips

Keep your arms close to your body throughout. Also, at the end of the movement, maintain a bend in your arms to maintain tension on your triceps.

Seated Row Machine

Seated Row Machine
The seated row machine helps you develop your upper body and back by performing a rowing movement while you sit.


The seated row machine helps to improve your posture and also increases your arm and leg strength. You can easily adjust the amount of weight you pull on the machine.

Muscles Trained

The front of your upper arms, the biceps, are most engaged. It also strengthens your core and leg muscles.

Suitable for Home Gym

This equipment will fit into most spaces at home and can bolster your exercise options.

Price Range (Used and New)

Its price ranges from $100 to $350.

Usage Tips

Keep your back neutral and your elbows tucked in. Also, slowly inhale as you extend your arms. Rowing is effective for increasing your heart rate and will help burn calories.

Smith Machine

The smith machine is a versatile gym machine that can help build your arm muscles. Taking stabilizing muscles out of the equation isolates your traps, rhomboids, and lats.


Performing exercises with this machine will help improve your posture, build muscle mass, and help increase your arm strength. It will also help you improve your form and keep your fitness levels up.

Muscles Trained

The smith machine really hits your triceps and biceps to give a better definition.

Suitable for Home Gym

Incorporating a smith machine into your workouts takes training to a totally different level.

Price Range (Used and New)

You need to budget about $400 to $1000 for this machine.

Usage Tips

Ensure the seat is upright and keep your shoulders slightly forward. When lowering the bar to your upper chest, use a slow and controlled motion.

Cable Machine

Cable Machine
This is a robust piece of equipment you see in almost every gym. It has weights, handles, and multiple sections attached to it. The cables are the most versatile gym machines you will come across.


The cable machine improves your strength and allows you to lift more. It is also great for improving elbow health, essential for your triceps and biceps. Finally, it gives you better shoulder stability. Cable machine workouts offer a high degree of effectiveness even for beginners. Adjusting the weight you use is easy.

Muscles Trained

The triceps and biceps are the main muscle groups trained with the cable machine.

Suitable for Home Gym

The cable machine is an excellent addition to any home as it lets you achieve an unmatched level of exercise variety thanks to its versatility.

Price Range (Used and New)

Get this fantastic machine for around $350 to $1000, depending on size and brand.

Usage Tips

Attach a handle to the cable hook and grab it with both hands over one shoulder. Use a slow and controlled movement when pulling the handle down.

Triceps Extension Machine

This is a great exercise machine that allows you to do a variety of exercises, including push-up work to strengthen your triceps and the major muscles in your upper body.


The triceps extension machine helps build muscle in your biceps and triceps to give you the bigger arms you desire. This will help to improve the shape and boost arm strength.

Muscles Trained

The triceps extension machine mainly targets the triceps and biceps.

Suitable for Home Gym

You can use this equipment at home to train your arms better and more effectively.

Price Range (Used and New)

The triceps extension machine can be bought for about $300 to $900.

Usage Tips

When using this machine, start out by having your elbows and your shoulders aligned. Also, be sure to move slowly and purposefully. Don’t arch your lower back, and keep some tension in your core. You can gradually use more weight for better results.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are not only for women, and you should not underestimate their effectiveness. Resistance is the same, no matter where it comes from.


Resistance bands help build your arm strength and improve flexibility and mobility in your upper body. It is also a piece of efficient equipment used to burn calories. An essential item of training equipment for any beginner.

Muscles Trained

Resistance band exercises primarily target your biceps and triceps, but they can also work your shoulders and back.

Suitable for Home Gym

They are ideal arm exercise equipment for home use – to work your arms and entire body.

Price Range (Used and New)

It is a piece of relatively cheap equipment and can be gotten for around $50 to $200.

Usage Tips

As you perform each motion with bands, the resistance increases near the end of the movement. Choose the resistance level according to your strength.

Buying Arm Workout Machines & Equipment

Buying Arm Workout Machines
You can purchase free weights if you prefer to have more control and engage specific muscle groups better. Or choose to go for the machines if you want to engage in a more robust and professional workout session.

The matter of price when it comes to picking arm workout machines and equipment also depends on whether it is new or used. Depending on your budget, you can opt to get new or used items.

However, if you want to save some money, there is no harm in going for used equipment, but you have to make sure it is up to standard and doesn’t come with any faults.

If you are looking for the best exercise equipment for arms, shop at the BUGE (Best Used Gym Equipment) store. You won’t have to worry about quality and whether it will work as intended as BUGE is one of the best suppliers in the market.


If you want a bigger and more toned upper arm or maybe burning fat in that area is your aim, there are a lot of arm exercises you can perform to ensure success.

All the different arm machines and arm workout equipment on this list are your typical gym machines and will help you build your lower and upper arm strength and size and maintain fitness.

Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Juan is the Founder and CEO of BestUsedGymEquipment. Passionate about providing the market with high-quality gym equipment.

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