We buy & sell commercial fitness equipment for your gym, home, hotel or any setting that may need comercial gym equipent.

2600 NW 141ST St
Miami Fl 33054
The right feeling is immediately apparent thanks to the fine movement path in this Gymleco machine. From the start position, the movement naturally goes inwards until the handles meet above the head.
The adjustable backrest, along with the movement path, gives a natural feel regardless of
the user’s body size. The machine is equipped with counterweights for easier starting.
This is a smooth shoulder press that meets all different needs.
Feature | Imperial Measure | Metric Measure |
Weight Stack | 220 LBS | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 61” x 49’’ x 65’’ | 155 cm L x 125 cm W x 165 cm H |
Net Weight | 516 Lbs. | 234 kg |
We buy & sell commercial fitness equipment for your gym, home, hotel or any setting that may need comercial gym equipent.
2600 NW 141ST St
Miami Fl 33054